Featured Book: Dall Sheep Trails
From the Author:

This book is primarily an off the top of my head recollection of adventures and incidents that took place while I hunted and photographed Dall Sheep in Alaska. Some of the chapters are closely related to articles that have been published over the years.

The book doesn't spend much time lecturing the reader about getting in top shape, nor does it consume three chapters on keeping your camera gear impeccable. Instead, I focus on the adventure, and try to entertain the reader more than educate. Each chapter begins with a snippet explaining a little bit about Dall Sheep in general, and hopefully these short lessons will answer some of the questions that may arise as the book unfolds.


Ace Sommerfeld has managed to both intrigue and scare the livin’ daylights out of me. Any outdoorsman with an adventurous spirit and love of horn is drawn headlong into his Alaska. A burning love of high-country and all things sheep bleeds from his prose, yet Ace doesn’t mince words: the land of Dalls is not for the physically unfit. Though I might dream of sharing a tent with him someday, I don’t fancy hikes that’ll reduce muscle to jelly, or worse, bones to shards. Fortunately, I can now hunt rams vicariously through this master storyteller’s exploits.
- Mike Handley, Editor RACK Magazine

Sheep can see through rocks and disappear into thin air. Ace’s tales take the reader beyond the rocks and thin air into the ram’s realm. He knows sheep and sheep hunting. He also knows that it’s the hunt not the sheep, that keeps a sportsman coming back to the mountain tops.
- Evan Swensen, Publications Consultants

Product Details

• Softcover (perfect bound): 130 pages

• 8 full color pages (full bleed on glossy paper)
• ISBN: 1-59433-030-1
• Purchase price: $13.95

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